En la mismisima ciudad de La Paz -Bolivia; en el Hospedaje
EL LOBO VIAJERO, hospedaje de la Comunidad Israeli, donde
está TODO LEGAL, a un grupo de chicos de nuestra edad
provenientes de diferentes ciudades de ISRAEL, como Tel Aviv,
Ashdod, Amman, Irbid, y Jerusalem, gente muy agradable aunque
Ashdod, Amman, Irbid, y Jerusalem, gente muy agradable aunque
un poco complicada la comunicación, por la diferencia de Lenguaje.
Igual una de las chicas que era de Tel Aviv, manejaba muy bien el
castellano y pudimos mantener una charla muy agradable..
Chicas de Israel, las más bonitas del Mundo
In the very same city of La Paz - Bolivia; in the
Accomodations THE TRAVELLING WOLF, accomodations of
the Israeli Community, where Amman is QUITE LEGAL,
to a group of boys of our age from ISRAEL'S different cities,
as Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Irbid, and Jerusalem, very agreeable people
though a bit complicated the communication, for the difference of Language.
One of the girls who was of Tel Aviv, was handling
very well the Spanish and we could support a very agreeable chat..
One of the girls who was of Tel Aviv, was handling
very well the Spanish and we could support a very agreeable chat..
Girls of Israel, the nicest of the World
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